My Contribution to My Learning and Learning Community
EDLD 5304 Grade 95/100
EDLD 5317 Grade 95/100
Through completing the coursework in this most recent installment of the Applied Digital Learning program, I have had the opportunity to reflect on the influences for Leading Organizational Change and creating Resources for Educational Environments. These concepts are imperative if I want my innovation plan to succeed. Many of my students seem to carry this apathy for education as a remnant of the COVID-19 pandemic and the way we were inadequately prepared to handle on-line teaching and learning both as teachers and students. It is my hope that in utilizing the skills learned thus far, I can help my learners be more focused and through my Innovation Plan I can get them to love learning again and be more self-directed individuals.
By exploring the different ways to publish articles online and then prepare my Final Draft for publication was an experience that will help me achieve my goals.
I would like to thank my EDLD 5317 group members:
Patty Hamilton , Leah Griggs, Melissa Richards, and Whitney Davis for their support, guidance, patience, and insights during this term. They have been a true tour de force and I am honored to have worked with them.
1. What has worked and what can be done better?
EDLD 5317: In working with my Learning Community I have seen that constant communication and reflection as well as shared Publication Rubric and Drafts , my article Final Submission, Podcast Outline have allowed for much of the work to be done asynchronously while reviewing and commenting on each others’ work. Using Zoom to record our Media Project and having scheduled and held organizational meetings beforehand was an important step to what worked well.
EDLD 5304: I have also found that receiving feedback from not only my Learning Group, but others in my classes (EDLD 5304) such as Thaddues Komorowski, Terri Helaire, Paige Shaw, and Steven Munoz for providing feedback and insight during our discussion posts and on my Why? , Influencer Strategy, and my Installing 4DX proposal. Another element that worked well was the continuing use of the GroupMe app for quick questions and to send links of our work for consistent feedback from anyone in either EDLD 5304 or EDLD 5317.
One of the things that I continue to struggle with is the balance of work/ school/ family during this program. I have been given increased responsibilities on the PBIS, UDL, and Cultural Proficiency Programs in my school and district. I then have to manage the time that is left between family and the ADL program makes me a very busy person with what seems less time each day.
2. Contributed to, helped build, and provided feedback to your core collaboration group and revised all assignments and reflected on revisions in this contribution to a learning activity.
In my Core collaboration group for EDLD 5317, I took the lead in organizing the group of Patty Hamilton , Leah Griggs, Melissa Richards, and Whitney Davis and me. I used some AI tools to help develop our Media Project Rubric, set the agendas for our collaboration meetings, and the draft outline for the podcast. I evaluated my peers’ articles via the rubric and made the changes they suggested in their evaluation of mine.
In EDLD 5304, we were not given formal learning groups to work with, but the access to others via email, the GroupMe app, and shared links to work certainly was a help to success in the course. The feedback and feed forward provided by Thaddues Komorowski, Terri Helaire, Paige Shaw, and Steven Munoz was invaluable to developing my collaborative discussions and course assignments. I tried to provide as much feed back and feed forward as possible to help with the members of my cohort on both collaborative discussion posts and course projects/ assignments.
3. Completed ALL of the course readings, videos, and supporting resources.
I assigned myself a 95/100 for my overall grade for EDLD 5317 and 5304 because I honestly did not complete all of the readings that were assigned.Text book assignments were completed, but not all article posts were. I did watch all of the videos in order to understand the needed information for the group discussion posts.
4. Met the various course activity deadlines indicated in the calendar.
I assigned myself a 95/100 for EDLD 5317 and EDLD 5304 because I met the deadline for all but one collaborative post. Although I received good feedback on my ideas, I was late on the post. I do feel accomplished in the fact that I did attend and contributed to all scheduled class meetings on Tuesday evening at 7 pm and 8 pm EST. I often received the clarity I needed for assignments in these class meetings and found a bond with my fellow cohort members.
I also believe that a rating of 95/100 for both courses is accurate because I
- Took leadership responsibility in my base group and the course.
- Contributed to my learning and the learning of my colleagues by participating in ALL activities.
- Actively contributed in the various course forums.
- Most of my posts were timely fashion so others can respond to my posting.
- My postings reflect breadth and depth of thinking with research to support my thinking and are cited using APA.
- Additional postings were made that did not require research but were rather to contribute to the learning.
I continue to develop a growth mindset throughout the ADL program and look forward to implementing my Innovation Plan in order to help my students become the learners they need to be in the future.
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