Through completing the coursework in this most recent installment of the Applied Digital Learning program, I have had the opportunity to reflect and design a plan to create a significant learning environment for my learners. Developing an environment that fosters a Growth Mindset is imperative if I want my innovation plan to succeed. For many of my students, I find that they come to high school already engrossed in the fixed mindset and it is a real challenge for me to help them understand how they will be able to reach their full potential.
By way of the readings and discussions of creating significant learning environments and mindsets, I have had to consider how this will affect or impact my Innovation Plan. Looking at the updated growth mindset plan that I have created, I understand there will be elements of my innovation plan that will need to be adjusted or possibly revamped to fit my updated growth mindset plan. I immediately realized I will have to find a way to reignite or spark the growth and learner's mindsets in my students. As I consider the changes to be made, I am pondering how my new exploration into the theories of UDL will play a role in adjusting my innovation plan. The main focus on UDL at the moment in my building is reflection. We are focusing on the different ways that we can get students to reflect on their learning and are learning ourselves that our students do not know how to or why they should be reflecting on their learning. My cohort will be focusing on the communication skills of our students in the academic setting through authentic learning experiences. I am not sure yet how how this will ultimately affect my innovation plan, but with one of my focal points on reigniting the my Learner's Mindset and developing my Growth Mindset as I continue through the program, I believe my Learner's Journey will lead me to right where I want to be.
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