I recently applied for and was accepted into the 2024-2025 Montgomery County, PA Universal Design for Learning cohort in my high school. I am interested to see if the coupling of UDL with UbD, COVA+CSLE may put me on a new track to achieve my innovation plan goals of a truly blended classroom for my learners. My journey into UDL began on September 26, 2024, just as my Fall 2024 Term 1 for the ADL program draws to a close. I am not sure what the experience holds for me, but I am anxious to see what this new tool in my toolbox allows me to do. As I sat through the first of several meetings throughout the remainder of this school year, I was beginning to see the connections that UDL, UbD, and Fink's 3- column table design can begin to meld together into a tool unlike any other in education. The goal we developed for our cohort focuses on getting students to communicate more effectively in the multiple settings they can and will find themselves in- educational, social, professional. One of the objectives to achieve that goal was to create significant learning environments in which students are given choice, ownership and voice. I have already begun to see a new direction for my learning and the learning of my students as I delve more deeply into what I am calling the new "tripod" of my learning journey- COVA, UDL, and Ubd.
Fink, L. D. (2003). A self-directed guide to designing courses for significant learning. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Harapnuik, D., & Thibodeaux, T. (2023). (2nd ed.). COVA: Inspire learning through choice, ownership, voice, and
authentic experiences.
Meyer, A., Rose, D. (2014). Universal design for learning:Principles, framework, and practice. Lynnfield, MA: CAST
Wiggns, G. & McTighe, J. (2005). Understanding by design. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
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