I always believed that my journey to my own web site or e Portfolio would take years. I was wrong. Although I had teacher websites in the past through my various districts, I was never fully satisfied with what became of them. Even though I am still learning about them, I believe I am off to a pretty solid start with this e Portfolio. I have received commendations and recommendations about it, and am endeavoring to improve with each stage of my ADL journey. There are basics I need to learn, and processes I need to master, but I feel this is something I will be proud of in the end. I will admit I did not start off well. This is the third iteration of an e portfolio on my third site. Wix was too confusing as was Wordpress. I am becoming more comfortable with Webador and enjoying the adventure. My advice to others is not to copy someone else's format or look. Find your own and make it authentic- make it you. I am still frustrated with certain processes like embedding work into posts and not knowing the nitty gritty of it all. Like the page title says, "It's the journey, not the destination YET!
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